“Good day Angie. Kindly please introduce yourself particularly your current profession.”
/Hi, My name is Angie Chan. Thanks for choosing me as one of the affluent personalities to be featured in Jan’2022. I’m a professional trust advisor in DCS. Our main services are Private Trust, Family Trust, Insurance Trust & Property Trust. Our vision is to popularize the trust services through estate planning and asset protection.
“You have been dealing with life insurance back then. What’s make you go into the niche industry which is very much focusing on family estate and trust planning?”
/I have been in insurance industry for almost 10 years. I am grateful that I have gained a lot of experiences throughout the journey. In terms of networking and developing some skills set in sales as well. LOL. Generally, all these traits come with great persistency and hard-work. It trained me to be more discipline as well. Looking back on my involvement in Trustee, I am thankful to my business partner, Mr Jerry Lee. He is one of the DCS Associate Partners in Malaysia. Trust is indeed a blue ocean market and I believe that many of us lack of trust knowledge. I have the responsibilities to spread out the knowledge and information to the society.
Basically, Trust is very well known in developed countries. It was originated from United Kingdom since 18th century. Trust is one of the TOP FOUR PILLARS of the modern financial industry in developed countries. Since then, Trust is widely used in developed countries due to its high level of confidentiality and as an asset preservation tool. As a result, Trust is always the first choice among many HIGH-NET-WORTH individuals.
“How did you see the local landscape in Malaysia? Is our society well equipped with the knowledge in relation to family estate and trust planning?”
/Well, looking into these 2 years, most Malaysians started to equip well with the knowledge in relation to family estate and trust planning. In Trustee, there are many different products. To name a few such as Cash Trust, Family Trust (Living Trust), Property Trust, Business Trust, Insurance Trust & etc.
In my company, we are launching Cash Trust (DCSPT) which is a very high demand product in the current market due to the product characteristic in protecting customer wealth/money. At DCS Private Trust, we continuously educate clients on their estate planning and asset protection.
“As a professional consultant serving high net worth clients, how did you manage these portfolios despite the level of requirements are very much different than ordinary household members?”
/As a professional consultant serving high net worth clients, we need to be extra cautious on clients privacy whilst providing the best solutions to client. In our professional field, we are committed in giving them the security needs, listen to their needs. We can help clients with “Tailor-Made Solutions” based on their will; managing clients assets stage by stage accordingly.
For example: I have a very wealthy client.He doesn’t want to spoil his only son, not working at all but waiting for his parents to spoon feed him. He assigned us, Trustee/ Trust companies to execute his Will with Conditions Precedent that his son wouldn’t get any single dollar cents from him unless he is working to prove his salary income. Only then he is able to receive his monthly allowance from his father. Well, all these strictly in accordance with the client’s will.
“ In terms of rapport building, how do you maintain the customer relation approaches?”
/My daily job scope require much social driven activities wiith my clients. I don’t treat them as “my clients” because they are my friends. For me is very simple, everything is always about relationships. There’s a Chinese saying 先做人, 后做事。(*Gain Trust Before You Gain Success; Preserve Good Personalities Before Gaining Success)
Once you are closely connected with them, the sales closing ratios are almost 50% done deal. Don’t always think about business/close deal, you will only scare-them away.
“These days, empowerment has become the hot topic among the youth and women community. As professional consultant, how do you manage your children in terms of educational and learning development at times you were busy with your works? To the similar peers, do you normally share family estate and trust planning knowledge and information with your friends despite clients you met could be successful women entrepreneurs and seasoned entrepreneurs.”
/I only work during the weekdays and spend quality time with my kids on the weekend. At times, I will need to have zoom meeting on Saturday night if it is very urgent meeting. I send my kids to home school at 9am and pick them up after school everyday. My in-laws play the important role while I’m busy with my hectic schedule.
Among all my close-friends, they know my profession well. When they need advice, they will talk to me and I’m always happy to give them free consultations. LOL.
I love to share Trust knowledge and information with them because they need these knowledge to better plan their asset for the next generations. Good things have to be shared with your love-ones, family and friends.
Trust is such a MIGHTY platform. Well, there's Chinese saying ”富不过三代"; "Wealth never survives three generations". In fact, Trust is the key in preserving sustainable wealth among generations.
Trust not only can help all the high network clients and household, it creates potential business opportunities to those who are looking forward to build their career.